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Berkshire Safeguarding Adults
Policies and Procedures
How to Use This document

Purpose and how to use this document

Aim: - to better safeguard adults at risk of abuse throughout Berkshire; and in using this document better encourage the continuous development of best practice.

The document is structured into the following sections and appendices:

  • Section 1: Context, Principle and Values - sets out the shared vision for adult safeguarding and the key national and local drivers

  • Section 2: Adult Safeguarding Policy - sets out an interpretation of the Care Act 2014, so that there is a consistent approach across Berkshire to adult safeguarding.
  • Section 3: Adult Safeguarding Practice - sets out an interpretation of the Care Act 2014, so that there is a consistent approach across Berkshire to adult safeguarding. Includes the key areas of mental capacity and consent, advocacy and support, managing risk, record keeping and organisational learning.
  • Section 4: Adult Safeguarding Procedures - sets out the changes in adult safeguarding from a process driven stand-alone entity, to one where adult safeguarding is part of everyday practice about managing risk and supporting adults who are unable to protect themselves. It provides the reader with a framework that can be adjusted to meet individual need.
  • Section 5: Working with care and support providers - sets out how commissioners work with providers so that adults receive high quality safe services. It details how good commissioning and effective contract monitoring can support providers to take early action to reduce risk and the need for adult safeguarding.


  • Appendix 1 contains information about carers (family/friends) and adult safeguarding, and the different areas where it has an impact on the carer, or the carer can have an impact on adult safeguarding functions.
  • Appendix 2 is about information governance and the standards, legislation and compliance requirements that all organisations are accountable for meeting.
  • Appendix 3 is about workforce development and is a broad brush ranging from recruitment and safe organisations to support to staff through supervision and training.
  • Appendix 4 details the structures and organisations who work with adults. It provides detail on the Safeguarding Adults Board roles and responsibilities and the links to other strategic partnerships. It sets out the changes brought about by the Care Act 2014 for the role and responsibilities of the statutory organisations and lists those organisations who work together to safeguard adults at risk.
  • Appendix 5 contains Pressure Ulcer pathway – this may be subject to amendment following the publication of the national protocol for statutory partners.
  • Appendix 6 contains supplementary note on domestic violence
  • Appendix 7 contains the Allegations Management Framework/PIPOT


This document should be read in conjunction with the following documents:

It covers:

  • The legislative requirements and expectations on individual services to safeguard and promote the well-being of adults in the exercise of their respective functions, relating to adults with needs for care and support and carers; and
  • A framework for SABs to monitor the effective implementation of policies and procedures.

This document embeds relevant national developments including, Safeguarding Vulnerable People in the NHS Accountability and Assurance Framework’ (2015)  which outlines the roles and responsibilities of the health service. It takes into account relevant Metropolitan Police Service internal operational toolkits and aims to be consistent with them. This document also takes account of national initiatives about housing and safeguarding and draws on the commitment for organisations to work together championed by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.

It is steered by the personalisation of health and adult social care through the national Making Safeguarding Personal programme. This programme arose following feedback from many people who had used safeguarding services, reporting that they felt they were being driven through a process and felt out of control. The shift in culture, by developing a personalised approach to supporting people is a shared vision for all organisations working with adults who may be or are at risk of abuse and neglect.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is pertinent throughout this document, and staff should ensure that all decisions and actions are taken in line with the requirements of the Act.